You can visit my Google Scholar profile.
Journal papers
Allen, G. and Sakib, M. N. “Engage!: Co-designing Search Engine Result Pages to Foster Interactions.” Interaction Design and Children Conference – (IDC 2021). [PDF]
Akter, R.; Asik, T. Z.; Sakib, M.; Akter, M.;Sakib, M. N.; Azad, A. S. M.; Maruf, M.; Haque, A. and Rahman, M. “The Dominant Climate Change Event for Salinity Intrusion in the GBM Delta” - Climate. [PDF]
Mondal, M. S.; Nowreen, S. and Sakib, M. N. “Scale-Dependent Reliability of Projected Rainfalls over Bangladesh with the PRECIS Model.” - Climate. [PDF]
Muhit, I. B.; Sakib, M. N. and Ahmed, S. S. “Aluminum and E-glass epoxy plates behavior subjected to shock loading.” - Advances in Material Research. [PDF]
Journal (On process)
- Sakib, M. N.; Sadegh, M. and Mishra, D. “Development of fraud detection algorithm and application of ML algorithms to detect Plausible Correction and Suspicious Alteration cases”
- Sakib, M. N.; Sadegh, M. and Mishra, D. “Monetary analysis to quantify the amount of economic loss due to data manipulation on asphalt pavement projects”
Conference papers
Mondal, M. S. and Sakib, M. N. “Scale-dependent reliability of the PRECIS model for rainfall projection in the Southern Bangladesh.” 6th International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2017).
Chowdhury, M. M. A.; Sakib, M. N.; Jahan, M. and Rahman, M. A. “Social Sufferings Due To Saline Water Issues in Mongla Upazilla, Bagherhat.” International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE-2017)
Akter, R.; Sakib, M.; Sakib, M. N.; Zaman, S.; Haque, A.; Rahman, M. and Hossain, D. “Assessment of Salinity Hazard Based on Residence Time of Salinity in Bangladesh Coast.” 6th International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2017).
Akter, S.; Zahra, F. T.; Sakib, M. N.; Sen, D. and Chowdhury, M. A. “Analysis of River Bank Erosion And Calculation of Universal Erosion Co-Efficient using Space-Borne Gis And Rs Technique: A Study on lower Reach of Jamuna River.” International Conference on Disaster Risk Mitigation (ICDRM-2017).
Mondal, M. S. and Sakib, M. N. “Scale-dependent reliability of the PRECIS model in rainfall projection for coastal areas in Bangladesh.” 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 2016 (ICACE 2016).
Chowdhury, M. M. A.; Sakib, M. N.; Jahan, M. and Rahman, M. A. “A Statistical Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Nilphamari Pourashava: Nilphamari District, Bangladesh.” 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 2016 (ICACE 2016).